Floor Is Lava – Gameplay Instructions

Game Objective: Be the last person standing! Lava burns! – If you land on lava, you are out.

Materials: A rock… about the size of a golf ball.


  • There can be 2 to 20 players. Each player stands on one of the outer circles. It doesn’t matter if you start on a “red” lava circle.
  • The player standing on the “PAWS” circle starts the game. They take the rock and toss it into central play area. Their goal is to land the rock on one of the numbered areas.
  • If the rock lands on a lava area (or outside the circle), the thrower is out and the rock passes counter-clockwise to the next player.
  • If the rock lands on a number, all players move clockwise that number of spaces.
    • If anyone ends the turn on a red “lava” circle, they are out.
    • The rock passes counter-clockwise to the next player and gameplay continues.
  • Continue until there is only one player remaining. They are the winner.
  • Tiebreaker:
    • If all remaining players go out on the same turn, each of the players get an additional throw.
    • The player who lands the rock on the lowest number wins.
    • If everyone’s throw lands on lava, everyone throws again.


  • A rounder rock results in a harder game.
  • You can use a bean bag for younger players
  • The game should take less than 5 minutes to play. It’s designed to be fast.

Game Play Demonstration





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