In addition to our MCP created gift baskets for the teachers, PAWS tried to make each day of Teacher Appreciation week special. Here is the list of each day’s activities that were done to help make our teachers/staff/admin feel extra appreciated last week.
Monday May 1st – Friday 5th
Sunday April 30th – Chalk the Walk
Lots of fun messages were made by families and kiddos on the sidewalks in front of the Elementary and Middle Schools. Chalk was provided by PAWS.
All Week – Crosswalk Duty
This was done to honor the specials teachers who keep our kids safe ALL year long with a much needed 2 week break.
All Week – Gift of Time
Parents signed up to give our teachers a small break throughout the week. They either encouraged silent reading, supervised lunch time, or had each student create a card for the teacher with their class markers/crayons.
Lunchroom Heros received a gift card from PAWS and we hung banners celebrating them in both cafeterias.
All Week – Gift Card Raffle
This was a FUN way to gift our teachers/staff/admin with random winners all week long! Parents generously donated gift cards to Target, Amazon, local grocery stores, coffee shops, etc. Thank you!
Wednesday – Salad Bar Lunch
Parents again generously donated food for a potluck lunch for both our elementary and middle schools. Thank you!
Thursday – Coffee/Tea Bar
Coffee & Tea Assortment in both schools provided by PAWS.
Friday – Snack Bar
Fruit Trays & Popcorn/Snacks provided by PAWS.

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